67 Learns
Numeracy &Literacy
Resources for Consideration
Whether you try the online version, or rent our Math Kits to try in your classroom, this is a great option for supporting your math program in your classroom! Interested in participating in a Professional Learning Community? Reach out to us below to learn more!
This resource includes fabulous prompts and tasks to encourage critical thinking, justification skills and flexibility.
This game-based numeracy experience is an online platform that allows students to sharpen math skills in a playful way. It has a number of teacher tools, as well as programming designed to align with the BC mathematics curriculum. Talk to your administrator for details on adding this program to your classroom.
These resources are full of ideas and lessons to bring straight into your classroom. Visit Carole's website to view her resources for Kindergarten to High School and explore multiple FREE downloads.
This website is FULL of amazing information, links to year plans k-7 and planning documents. It also has week plan samples, lesson plans and other great resources. It includes ideas for assessment and planning and was created by teachers and math leaders in the coast metro area in British Columbia.